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48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Writer: Cameron ShabazzCameron Shabazz

Overview- Fire. Pure fire. This is one my most favorite books of all time. I read this book often. The way the chapters are broken down they each represent a law, so when I feel I need to express more boldness I can just go to chapter 20, or when I feel like I need to be more fluid and free I can go to chapter 49. This book is a brilliant breakdown of history and human nature and how power carries its various definitions. In the end power is defined through cunning and intelligence to execute your will over situations to ensure happiness, involvement and even staying alive. Power is the element of life where people can get what they want from life; it is imperative to have it and to look to get it in any of life’s situations. Power moves can be seen as ugly, but these moves are necessary in order to ensure one can get, sustain and dictate the life they want.

Theme – This book explains Power and its various elements, advantages, and how people strategize to obtain it.

Biggest takeaway – Two of the most important laws in this book are the first one and the last one. The first law is never “outshine the master” this law is so important because everyone will have someone who takes them under their wing and guides them. This guiding process can lead a person to mastery. And higher heights than they could ever believe and even to replace the master; but it is imperative for the pupil to understand the dynamics of this sensitive relationship. In this law it depicts the eventuality of arousing the master’s jealousy and the perils that may come if this is done too frequently. Normally the pupil is younger, more active, and more good looking putting the master in an awkward situation where they are insecure of the presence of this new threat who they in turn have created. However, the master has the ability to destroy your career, but they also have the ability to take you from ordinary to extraordinary. Outshining the master is being too smart in inopportune times, being too flashy when you should be in the shadows and being providing information which puts you in direct opposition to the master. Proceed with caution. The last law is the most important. The law is Assume Formless. This law explains the essence of succeeding in life because your ability to be fluid in situations is one of the most important aspects of success in situations. In life one will be presented with a myriad of circumstances which will require one to be flexible. In business, relationships, politics, or war rigidness of mind will not do to obtain success in these areas. Going back to read this book as often as I have, I realized this law is the most important because it is a philosophy for life in itself. One’s ability to be formless makes the world open for possibilities especially when adversity strikes which is the epitome of power; having the answer when others have none. In the world of success, the one who can connect seamlessly with others lends one to more information which is essential in making decisions and proper advancement in any endeavor. This seamless connectivity is based in a mind without limits or barriers. Being formless is more about being open to new ideas, situations and experiences and understanding how to interpret those things for a broader life view than just being open minded. The steps taken to ensure you embody formless lends to more experiences and expressions of power.

Overall Satisfaction- 10/10 One of my favorite titles on this list it has broaden my view on life, mastery and power. Great read and an even better study!!!!!

Comments on the Author – Robert Greene is a master author his ability to intertwine history with thoughts on human behavior and guidance for living a more fulfilling life are unmatched. His explanation of war strategies and history of past monarchs and kingdoms gives great insight and illumination to the various topics Greene touches on in this book. This is a rare 10 of 10 from someone not named Elijah Muhammad and it is very well deserved. Greene’s chapter writing with the reversal section along with quotes and short stories associated with the law give the reader a great ability to see all sides of an argument to which Greene presents. Why a law is important and when a law can go too far. In the game of power, one needs to see every angle in order to act appropriately. Greene presents that and then some with this title.


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