Overview – To begin I absolutely love this title! Being black really is a privilege. I’ve been blessed with style, a nice voice, good looks and humor most of it just for being black it came standard. So that’s that on that, the second part of the title is very important also opportunity is how anyone in any area of life comes into success. Without the opportunity you cannot take step one. Most wait for opportunities to come to them, true successful people don’t wait for the opportunity they create it. This book is about Charlamagne tha God’s life detailing how he went from smart young kid who had diverse friends and loved marvel comics, to the gun toting drug dealer in Monks Corner South Carolina to the radio personality who was groomed under the wing of Wendy Williams as a shock jock to the elite interviewer for the culture. 1/3rd of the Breakfast Club morning radio show which is such a staple in black entertainment and popular culture every democratic Candidate running for president in 2020 has had to sit in that seat and go toe to toe with the Breakfast club. This book takes us through the important events of Charlemagne’s life which shaped him, and lead to the well-rounded and well-off man we see today. Leading black culture with his show every morning with his in depth no fear approach to interviewing. The book was very captivating. Me and Charlemagne have a lot of the same thoughts on issues and ideas regarding life. These similarities when my friend Krysta prompted me to read the book, I told her I felt as if I was anticipating his actions and sentences because I see so much of myself in Charlamagne. She insisted it is a good story and just read it like any other book. Ushered into the life of this young man of Monks Corner, South Carolina I learned much about him and life especially how one can create their own opportunities.
Theme – “Put the weed in the bag” life is about process take the necessary steps to develop into your destiny and manifest your highest goals.
Biggest takeaway – After Charlamagne was fired from his radio show in Philly wondering around in Monks Corner SC he got a call from someone looking to create the Morning show now known as the Breakfast Club. With Charlamagne being the key piece of the show, he was asked who he wanted to do the show with. This was the most interesting part of the book to me because Charlamagne had the presence of mind to understand who to put around him and it made for must watch show and must watch interviews every time. Adding DJ Envy and Angela Yee the most important morning show in black culture since Tom Joyner was created. This was pivotal to his career and the show has seen many great moments that GOD knows whether they would have happened like they played out, had there been other people in those chairs alongside Charlamagne. His knowledge of who to put around him helped propel tha God to be a superstar and author of two New York Times Best Selling books. This is an important life lesson. Know your company and what works.
Overall Satisfaction – 8.8/10 Great read Great Storytelling and fundamental messages from an unlikely great author.
Comments on the Author – I’ve followed Charlamagne since he’s been on the Breakfast Club and have loved his interviewing. He would always ask the entertainer he was interviewing the questions we wanted to hear. Almost plucked from my brain or sometimes right off my lips Charlemagne was different than any other interviewer I have ever seen. Willing to make the interviewee uncomfortable to discuss topics people want to hear. Pivotal to the whole of the interviewing world was his style so transformative that anyone tasked with interviewing whether they are a talk show host, have a vlog or Podcast all of them have to adhere some sort of truth telling which was not present in that way before Charlamagne came on the scene.