Overview – This book tries to discuss and examine some of the occult and illuminati symbolism used in Stanley Kubrick’s movies. From Eyes Wide Shut to Full Metal Jacket this book attempts to give an overview on how Kubrick’s mysterious way of making movies laden with symbolism explores occult and illuminati references. This book carries a lot of information but misses the mark in conveying elements of Kubrick’s movies and directing style to convince the reader of occult references. Kubrick’s movies are very odd and unique and there is something to the attention to detail he puts into every picture; but this book gives this incredible underlying theme of one if not the greatest directors of all time a seemingly opaque and basic overlay. The YouTube videos are great and give great insight to Kubrick’s work. Though I may have went into the book expecting something different the book isn’t as full an overview as I would like, and I would definitely rather a more insightful undertaking.
Theme- Stanley Kubrick helped the government to fake the moon landing and had occult and illuminati ties which are prevalent but hidden in his pictures.
Biggest takeaway- There was one breakdown of a scene I thought very compelling. In the movie Eyes Wide Shut which is about the occult and many other things. At the time of this writing I have not watched the movie in its entirety. I was unaware of a final scene where Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise take their daughter to a toy store. The two walking and talking their daughter walks off and passes huge teddy bears as she looks behind to look at her parents, she turns the corner as two older gentlemen seeming to just be passing by, seem to lead her into another aisle where the young girl cannot be seen. The author explained one of the elements of the occult was pedophilia and the bears the child walks by while going into to the aisle behind the men to not be seen are references to “pedo bear”. The girl eventually gets the bear while the two men walk out of the store talking as they were but smiling.
Overall Satisfaction 6.5/10 – I am incredibly happy this book exists, and someone had the mind to create it. Though it does not encompass all I want to know of Kubrick or the occult I do know more now than I did previously.
Comments on the Author- I do not know much about the author, but I do know the YouTube videos are much better than the books. I appreciate the author for his thoughts and candor and overall gift of this book. Hopefully, I will find more like it but slightly better formed ideas and presentation.