Overview – Money is the basis for freedom. This book is about how you can become financially free and live a better life full of fun, adventure and giving back. Tony Robbins sat down with some of the most successful businesspeople and billionaires and investors to discuss their strategy on how to get rich and stay rich. These billionaires included Ray Diallo, Warren Buffett, and others. He asked them their investing strategies along with their ideas on investing products such as IRAs, 401ks, and index funds. The vast wealth of knowledge in this book is well suited for anyone looking to achieve the American dream. I love the way Tony does not just discuss money in this title but also the function of it, so people do not become one sided in their life searching for currency and not happiness; or erroneously thinking currency is happiness. The life guru spends time in some much-needed chapters discussing the psyche of human beings and what makes us desire things; before blasting the trumpet of information for financial freedom. This book is for people looking to increase the commas in their bank account.
Theme – Using the knowledge of money to be financially free.
Biggest takeaway – This book takes you through various financial leaders and professionals with net worth’s of 1 billion dollars and it discusses their strategies for obtaining this wealth. One of the stories is that of a hedge fund manager who handles Yale’s endowment. He was able help the school gain over 30 million dollars one year and few billion dollars the next. This really would not help the average person, but the techniques and principles used by the hedge fund manager is what Tony really wanted to extract during their interview which is what shows up in this book.
Overall Satisfaction – 8.2/10 Great book great advice and great tips for how to get to financial freedom.
Comments on the Author – Tony Robbins has been in the game of helping people live a better life for almost thirty years and with this book he centralizes one major aspect of a good healthy life and that’s money and how to make it. Tony Robbins motivational videos really helped me when I was in a bit of a depression in 2016. Upset and frustrated Tony coached me through how our desires and expectations can ruin what is happening in the now. For a life guru who deals with relationship, communication, and personal development this was a different approach for achieving success but nonetheless carries the Tony Robbins imprint of being thoughtful, direct, and uplifting. Love this book and this guy cannot wait to revisit this book and his videos.