Overview – This is a book written by the famous Napoleon Hill put out some decades after his passing. I have read this book more than 10 times this book it has been a big help to me in analyzing and understanding the forces of evil within myself and the pitfalls which make us slip up. Drifting is a key point to this book because of how detrimental it is to goals and thought habits. Drifting is when you have a goal but allow yourself to drift from it. Working on your goals every other week is a drifting mindset which destroys the mind’s ability to create. Drifting in a relationship weakens the relationship, drifting in workouts can lead to minimized results but also could lead to injury. This is such an important factor for me because I am a very discipline myself. These write ups are a testament to the fact. One thing I have realized in life is there are people who are very talented, gifted and creative, but most do not have the drive nor the staying power to continue on their goals. Most people are consistent drifters. The Pareto Distribution is a model which shows how a few people produce and raise to the top of almost all human endeavors. There are many factors which go into the Pareto distribution but one thing we all have control over is our work ethic and mindset. This book gives great illustration to creating this kind of mindset and work ethic through the devil explaining how he attacks a person. Hill acquires the ability to interview the devil and through this structure of interviewing Hill gets information to assist all of humanity on how to outwit the devil.
Theme – Drifting creates hypnotic rhythm, which is the law which governs all nature. If the Devil gets you into his hypnotic rhythm, he has you in his clutches and it is exceedingly difficult to get out of it.
Biggest takeaway – Hill was able to interview the Devil because of the relationship he has with his wife in what the Devil called his mastermind group. A mastermind group is where two or more people gather to solve problems and connect on create better understanding and create. Through this mastermind group Hill was able get in unison with universal principles and get the best interview he has ever had. The Devil’s discussion on drifting and hypnotic rhythm really stuck with me because of how true it is for the adversarial spirit to get you out of doing things you know you should. Which traps you in its clutches and is extremely hard to get out.
Overall Satisfaction – 9.6/10 Great read I read this over 10 times very inspirational and great writing.
Comments on the Author – Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow rich fame has interviewed an myriad of successful people to create his master work Think and Grow Rich. Hill’s work insisted on being present in the moment while also using plans to achieve success. Hill is one of the most important self-help authors of all time.